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Table 1 Questions and topic guide

From: What are patients’ experiences of discontinuing clozapine and how does this impact their views on subsequent treatment?



Please could you tell me what you remember about your clozapine treatment?

Can you remember when and why you started on clozapine?

How did you feel while you were taking it, was it for long?

Can you tell me why you stopped it?

How do you remember feeling when you stopped it?

Do you feel the same about the clozapine and stopping it now?

Please could you tell me more about your experience with other antipsychotic treatments since the clozapine was discontinued?

Have you taken any other antipsychotics since taking clozapine, do you know which ones?

Are you taking an antipsychotic now?

Which antipsychotic are you taking?

What do you think about it?

Of the antipsychotics you have stopped can you tell me why they were stopped and how you felt when they stopped?

Have you experienced side effects with antipsychotics? If you have please tell me what happened?

Which antipsychotic do you think caused which side effects?

Which of these side effects, if any, have bothered you the most?




Adherence with medicines is difficult long term for any illness. What happens when you stop taking antipsychotics, do you think you need to take them for the immediate future?

Do you believe antipsychotics are necessary to treat schizophrenia and can you explain why you believe that?

Have you felt any different after stopping antipsychotics, in what way?

Have you tried alternative treatments instead of antipsychotics?



Thinking about when you stopped clozapine is there anything else which could have helped you when you stopped it or if you could restart clozapine again would you and can you explain your reasons?

If not clozapine which antipsychotic do you think has been the best for you?

Can you explain why that is?


