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Table 10 MT-Ready Scoring Interpretation Guide

From: Development and psychometric evaluation of the mental readiness for military transition scale (MT-Ready)

Transition Pathway

MT-Ready Total Score

Number of Factors scoring 3 or lower

Support level

% (n) in the current sample

Pathway 1: Guided and collaborative

Below 55

2 or more

The member is supported in accessing psychosocial care in key areas of need identified by the MT-Ready with a mental health professional.

24.1 (83)

Pathway 2:

Self-managed with resources and follow-up provided

Below 55

1 or less

The member is provided with options and resources to access psychosocial support in key areas of need with a mental health professional or more generally via a support organisation. Follow-up is also provided.

23.2 (80)

Pathway 3: Self-managed with resources provided

55 or above

1 or more

The member is provided with options and resources to access psychosocial support in key areas of need with a mental health professional or more generally via a support organisation.

14.8 (51)

Pathway 4: Self-managed

55 or above


The member is unlikely to require additional psychosocial support.

38.0 (131)