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Table 7 Religious leaders on role of spiritual and religious beliefs in depression and anxiety in young people

From: Religiosity and spirituality in the prevention and management of depression and anxiety in young people: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Role of spirituality during adolescence- malleable age According to religious leaders, 14 to 24 years age range is very crucial in understanding spirituality. Spirituality if used at this age could drastically transform the lives of young people. They felt that the life decisions taken at this time have long term repercussions. Spirituality can act as a guiding path to allow young people to make right choices about their lifestyle and future. It has the potential to make them focused and lend meaning to their lives. For youth, who are disadvantaged and experienced disruption in attachment with caregivers, spirituality could offer a reparative experience and allow them to achieve their potential.

Spirituality as a way to live mindfully Another important aspect of spirituality highlighted by the leaders was the ability to live mindfully in the present moment without fears about future and regret about the past. This aspect was related to acceptance that young people spoke. Religious leaders talked about an attitude of nonchalance arising from the feeling of being watched over resulting in mindful living.

Spirituality and emotional regulation According to the leaders, spirituality could improve control over emotions such as anger and control mood swings. They spoke about the beliefs lending an ability to look at the bigger picture and not get invested emotionally in inconsequential things in life.

Altruism as an extension of spirituality One of the leaders spoke about how altruistic behaviour is promoted by spirituality as a result of which young people can experience happiness. He suggested that the core of spirituality and religious beliefs is that “I am one with others” and “my happiness is not independent of what others are going through”. Someone who truly believes in this would help others and try doing good for the society as it is an extension of one’s own self.

Role of familial spiritual and religious beliefs Leaders highlighted the role of familial beliefs in the belief system of adolescents. They talked about how young people’s own beliefs are related to what they observe being practiced from early on in their lives. One of the leaders spoke about the emotional regulation skills of the mother/ primary caregiver and their responses in the time of crisis getting imbibed by the children by observational learning. “If they see their parents behaving calmly and using a particular set of practices to overcome the challenges, they are likely to use the same”.

Spiritual education Spiritual leaders spoke about the importance of introducing spirituality in the education system as it helps in personal development and gives tools to young people to deal with life challenges. One of the leaders talked about how he had been running a school in the rural area of India where the children are from disadvantaged different religious backgrounds (Hindu, Muslim, Christian). They promote spirituality in this context by going beyond various religious denominations, teach them meditation and how to be more considerate towards others.