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Table 3 Overview of risk estimates when including or adjusting for the presence of psychiatric comorbidities in adolescents and adults with ADHD

From: Risk factors of suicidal spectrum behaviors in adults and adolescents with attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder – a systematic review




Baseline risk estimates [95%CI]


Psychiatric comorbidities [95%CI]


Inclusion of psychiatric comorbidities

Fitzgerald C. et al. (2019) [22]

Suicidal behavior

IRR 4.09 [3.53–4.73]

IRR 10.43 [9.53–11.41]

Reference: No psychiatric disorder (IRR 1.0)

Kakuszi B. et al. (2018) [32]

Suicidal ideation

ADHD only

OR 1.0 (reference)


Males: OR 1.11 [0.25–4.85]

Females: OR 2.64 [0.64–10.87]


Sun S. et al. (2019) [40]


ADHD only

HR 1.0 (reference)

HR 9.10 [3.95–20.98] *

HR 8.96 [3.89–20.66] **

*Adjusted for birth year and sex

**Further adjusted for birth weight, maternal age at birth, parental educational level, and parental employment status

Adjustment for psychiatric comorbidities

Fuller-Thomson E. et al. (2020) [27]

Suicide attempt

OR 3.27 [2.39–4.48] *

OR 1.56 [1.08–2.25] **

*Only adjusted for demographics and socioeconomic status

**Further adjusted for lifetime history of mental illness, chronic pain, and childhood adversities

Hirvikoski T. et al. (2020) [30]

Suicide attempt

ASD + ADHD: OR 7.25


ASD + ID + ADHD: OR 5.60 [4.70–6.68]

ASD + ADHD: OR 2.31 [2.11–2.53]

ASD + ID + ADHD: OR 2.90 [2.36–3.57]

Adjusted for depression, anxiety, and SUD

Ljung T. et al. (2014) [50]

SA and CS

SA: OR 8.46 [8.07–8.87]

CS: OR 12.22 [8.67–17.22]

SA: OR 3.62 [3.29–3.98]

CS: OR 5.91 [2.45–14.27]

Adjusted for comorbid psychiatric disorders

Olsson P. et al. (2022) [20]

Suicide attempt

OR 1.70 [1.05–2.79]


OR 1.58 [0.96–2.60]

Adjusted for depression and EUPD

Ruchkin V. et al. (2017) [39]

SI and SA

SI: OR 8.84 [1.00–74.07]

SA: OR 13.50 [1.53–119.02]

SI: OR 0.18–10.61 *

SA: OR 0.342–17.67 **

*Significant: ADHD x drug dependence (OR 10.61, 95%CI [1.39–80.73])

**Significant: ADHD x alcohol dependence (OR 9.61, 95%CI [1.58–58.27])

Yoshimasu K. et al. (2019) [42]


OR 2.42 [1.51–3.86]

OR 1.94 [1.19–3.15]

Adjusted for the presence of any of the psychiatric disorders included in the study

  1. SSBs Suicidal spectrum behaviors, SA Suicide attempt, CS Completed suicide, SI Suicidal ideation, NS Non-significant, HR Hazard Ratio, OR Odds Ratio, IRR Incidence Rate Ratio, SUD Substance use disorder, EUPD Emotionally unstable personality disorder