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Table 1 Sample characteristics and latent profile analysis of the adolescents

From: Determination of the cutoff point for Smartphone Application-Based Addiction Scale for adolescents: a latent profile analysis


Overall, N = 63,205a

High risk users, N = 11,932a

Middle risk users, N = 26,885a

Low risk users, N = 24,388a


Gender, female

32,007 (51%)

6,030 (51%)

13,724 (51%)

12,253 (50%)



14.33 (1.65)

14.44 (1.54)

14.50 (1.65)

14.09 (1.67)

 < 0.001

School type


 < 0.001

 Junior high school

19,832 (31%)

3,972 (33%)

9,665 (36%)

6,195 (25%)


 Senior high school

43,373 (69%)

7,960 (67%)

17,220 (64%)

18,193 (75%)


Current smoker, yes

886 (1.4%)

360 (3.0%)

341 (1.3%)

185 (0.8%)

 < 0.001

Current drinker, yes

6,718 (11%)

2,434 (20%)

2,917 (11%)

1,367 (5.6%)

 < 0.001

Living in urban, yes

46,871 (74%)

8,923 (75%)

19,897 (74%)

18,051 (74%)


Only children, yes

13,904 (22%)

2,806 (24%)

5,831 (22%)

5,267 (22%)

 < 0.001

Left-behind children, yes

22,202 (35%)

4,231 (35%)

9,591 (36%)

8,380 (34%)


SDQ-Emotional Symptoms

3.06 (2.49)

4.65 (2.61)

3.24 (2.33)

2.08 (2.12)

 < 0.001

SDQ-Conduct Problems

2.24 (1.56)

3.08 (1.71)

2.27 (1.47)

1.80 (1.40)

 < 0.001

SDQ-Hyperactivity Inattention

3.73 (2.21)

5.26 (2.13)

3.95 (1.99)

2.74 (1.97)

 < 0.001

SDQ-Peer problems

3.16 (1.58)

3.42 (1.71)

3.15 (1.57)

3.05 (1.52)

 < 0.001

SDQ-Prosocial behavior

7.24 (2.11)

6.55 (2.13)

7.10 (1.99)

7.73 (2.11)

 < 0.001

SDQ total Difficulties

12.2 (5.8)

16.4 (5.7)

12.6 (5.1)

9.7 (5.0)

 < 0.001


6.4 (5.2)

10.6 (5.9)

6.9 (4.6)

3.9 (4.0)

 < 0.001


46 (13)

40 (12)

45 (11)

51 (13)

 < 0.001


15.3 (6.7)

22.0 (8.4)

15.6 (5.3)

11.7 (3.8)

 < 0.001


11.0 (4.8)

15.3 (5.9)

11.5 (4.1)

8.4 (3.0)

 < 0.001


17 (7)

27 (3)

19 (3)

10 (3)

 < 0.001


23 (9)

18 (8)

22 (8)

26 (10)

 < 0.001


5.3 (4.3)

8.5 (4.8)

5.7 (3.8)

3.3 (3.4)

 < 0.001


4.2 (3.2)

6.4 (3.4)

4.6 (2.9)

2.8 (2.6)

 < 0.001

IGD, yes (IGDS9-SF ≥ 32)

1,813 (2.9%)

1,558 (13%)

186 (0.7%)

69 (0.3%)

 < 0.001

PSMU, yes (BSAMS ≥ 24)

1,274 (2.0%)

1,055 (8.8%)

166 (0.6%)

53 (0.2%)

 < 0.001

Sleep disturbance, yes (PSQI ≥ 6)

18,647 (30%)

6,570 (57%)

8,662 (33%)

3,415 (14%)

 < 0.001

Depression, yes (PHQ-9 ≥ 10)

14,550 (23%)

6,100 (51%)

6,347 (24%)

2,103 (8.6%)

 < 0.001

Anxiety, yes (GAD-7 ≥ 10)

8,813 (14%)

4,158 (35%)

3,478 (13%)

1,177 (4.8%)

 < 0.001

  1. SDQ Strength and Difficulties questionnaire, PHQ9 9-item Patient health questionnaire, WEMWBS Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale, IGDS9-SF 9-item Internet Gaming Disorder scale Short Form, BSMAS Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale, SABAS Smartphone-Application Based Addiction Scale, GAD-7 7-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7) for anxiety, PSQI Pittsburgh sleep quality index, CD-RISC Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, PSU problematic smartphone use, IGD internet gaming disorder, PSMU problematic social media use
  2. an (%); Mean (SD)
  3. bPearson’s Chi-squared test; ANOVA tests