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Table 1 Sociodemographic and other characteristics of the participants (N = 851)

From: The relationship between internet gaming disorder and psychotic experiences: cyberbullying and insomnia severity as mediators


n (%)




394 (46.3%)


457 (53.7%)

Family monthly income



55 (6.5%)


221 (26.0%)


320 (37.6%)


141 (16.6%)


114 (13.4%)

Housing area



743 (87.3%)


108 (12.7%)

Cigarettes smoking



620 (72.9%)


231 (27.1%)

Alcohol drinking



690 (81.1%)


161 (18.9%)

Cannabis use



768 (90.2%)


83 (9.8%)

Other illegal drug use



828 (97.3%)


23 (2.7%)

Family history of psychiatric illness



791 (92.9%)


60 (7.1%)

Owing a smartphone



14 (1.6%)


837 (98.4%)

Making money from gaming



834 (98.0%)


17 (2.0%)

Difficulty connecting to the internet



714 (83.9%)


137 (16.1%)


Mean ± SD

Age (in years)

21.26 ± 1.68

Time spent on the internet per day (in minutes)

5.11 ± 3.31

Time spent on gaming (in minutes)

61.90 ± 94.64

Internet gaming disorder (IGD-20 total scores)

41.70 ± 13.55

Insomnia (ISI total scores)

11.30 ± 5.38

Paranoid ideation (BSI)

8.61 ± 4.75

Psychoticism (BSI)

10.38 ± 6.52

Cyberbullying (RCBI-II)

13.31 ± 4.21

Cyber-victimization (RCBI-II)

14.92 ± 5.00

  1. IGD-20: The Internet Gaming disorder-20 Test; ISI: Insomnia severity index; BSI: The Brief Symptom Inventory; RCBI-II: the Revised Cyber Bullying Inventory–II