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Table 2 Veterinarians’ attitudes towards physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia in humans

From: Euthanasia of animals – association with veterinarians’ suicidal thoughts and attitudes towards assisted dying in humans: a nationwide cross-sectional survey (the NORVET study)


Strongly agree,

n (%)

Partially agree,

n (%)

Neither agree, nor disagree,

n (%)

Partially disagree,

n (%)

Strongly disagree,

n (%)

Total, n

1. ‘Physician-assisted suicide should be permitted for persons suffering from a fatal disease with a short remaining life expectancy.’a

805 (31.5%)

814 (31.9%)

318 (12.5%)

198 (7.8%)

420 (16.4%)


2. ‘Euthanasia should be permitted for persons suffering from a fatal disease with a short remaining life expectancy.’a

666 (26.0%)

738 (28.9%)

399 (15.6%)

252 (9.9%)

500 (19.6%)


3. ‘Assisted dying should be permitted also for persons suffering from an incurable chronic disease, but who are not dying.’a

414 (16.3%)

690 (27.1%)

545 (21.4%)

309 (12.1%)

590 (23.2%)


4. ‘There are cases in which it may be right/morally defensible for the doctor to provide assisted dying, even though it is illegal.’a

525 (20.6%)

787 (30.8%)

432 (16.9%)

243 (9.5%)

568 (22.2%)


  1. aThe prevalence of positive attitudes was significantly higher among female veterinarians compared to their male colleagues in all four statements