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Table 2 Comparison of hair cortisol concentrations between AHEAD and CCC2000 (whole sample and subgroup with a high physical symptom load) using multiple linear regression

From: Hair cortisol and self-perceived stress in adolescents with multi-system functional somatic disorders


Dependent variable: HCCa




CCC2000 compared with AHEAD


  CCC2000 (n = 1,450)

1 (ref.)


  AHEAD (n = 91)


0.88; 1.24


Adjusted for sex, age and BMIa

 CCC2000 (n = b)

1 (ref.)


 AHEADc (n = 91)


0.66; 0.97


CCC2000 subgroup with a high physical symptom load compared with AHEAD


  CCC2000 subgroup (n = 147)

1 (ref.)


  AHEAD (n = 91)


0.79; 1.20


Adjusted for sex, age and BMIa

 CCC2000 subgroup (n = 147)

1 (ref.)


 AHEADd (n = 91)


0.66; 1.07


  1. AHEAD Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Health in Adolescents, BMI Body Mass Index, CCC2000 Copenhagen Child Cohort 2000, CI confidence interval, HCC hair cortisol concentration, n number in specific population, ref. reference group
  2. aHCC and BMI were log-transformed for analyses; the table presents the back-transformed values
  3. bDue to missing covariate data in CCC2000, ≤ 5 persons were excluded in the adjusted analysis
  4. cInterpretation (adjusted analysis comparing the CCC2000 total sample to AHEAD): if two persons from CCC2000 and AHEAD with the same sex, age and BMI are compared with each other, the person from AHEAD will have a 20% (95%CI: 3%, 34%) lower median HCC than the person from CCC2000. For example, the median HCC in a 17-year-old girl from AHEAD with BMI 21 will be 1.9 (95%CI: 1.6, 2.2) pg/mg, whereas the median HCC in an equivalent participant from CCC2000 will be 2.3 (95%CI: 2.2, 2.5) pg/mg
  5. dInterpretation (adjusted analysis comparing the CCC2000 subgroup to AHEAD): if two persons from the CCC2000 subgroup and AHEAD with the same sex, age and BMI are compared with each other, the person from AHEAD will have a 16% (95%CI: -7%, 34%) lower median HCC than the person from the CCC2000 subgroup
  6. * p < 0.05