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Table 1 Baseline clinical data of the study participants with schizophrenia

From: Effect of single-administration of d-sorbitol pretreatment on the bitterness and continued willingness to take asenapine: a randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial


N = 20

Age (y)

48.2 ± 13.6

Male sex

N = 6, 30%

PANSS total score (mean ± SD)

47.4 ± 12.3

Multiple episodes

N = 19, 95%

Duration of illness (y)

N (%)

  < 5

2 (10%)

 ≧ 5 and < 10

1 (5%)

 ≧ 10 and < 20

7 (35%)

 ≧ 20

10 (50%)

Median duration of asenapine use, years (quartile)

3.7 (2.1–4.3)

At least one year use, n (%)

17 (85%)

Mean dose of CP equivalent, mg (quartile)

200 (200–400)

Concomitant medications, n (%)


10 (50%)

 First-generation antipsychotics

0 (0%)

 Second-generation antipsychotics

8 (40%)


10 (50%)

 Mood stabilizer

3 (15%)

 Drugs for physical disorders

9 (45%)


3 (15%)

Median BMI (quartile)

24.1 (20.6–28.2)

Same oral condition at the time of each intervention, n (%)

16 (80%)

  1. BMI Body Mass Index, CP Chlorpromazine, PANSS Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale SD Standard deviation