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Table 2 Overview scales and items FFMHPQ-GV

From: Different perspectives in psychiatry: how family-oriented are professionals in Germany?



Included Items

Organizational Policy and Supports

 Scale 1: Workplace support

The workplace provides support (e.g. supervision) for family-focused practice

1, 18

 Scale 2: Location issues

Transport and services to refer family members to are not a problem in this area

2, 19

 Scale 3: Time and workload

Time or workload constraints regarding family-focused practice

3, 20, 35

 Scale 4: Policy and procedures

Family-focused policy and practices are clear at the workplace

4, 21

 Scale 5: Professional development

There are opportunities for professional development regarding working with families

5, 22

 Scale 6: Coworker support

The support from other workers regarding family-focused work

6, 23

Working with Parent-Clients

 Scale 7: Family and parenting support

Providing resources and referral information to consumers and their families

7, 24, 36, 43, 47

 Scale 8: Worker confidence

The level of confidence the worker has in working with families, parents and children

8, 25, 48

 Scale 9: Support to carers and children

The level of information, advocacy and referral provided to carers and children

9, 26, 37

 Scale 10: Engagement issues

The opportunity for engagement with family members

10, 27, 38

Workers Skill and Knowledge

 Scale 11: Assessing the impact on the child

How well the worker assesses the impact of the parent illness on the child/ren

11, 28

 Scale 12: Training

Worker willing to undertake further training

12, 29, 39, 44

 Scale 13: Skill and knowledge

Worker skill and knowledge regarding impact of parental mental illness on children

13, 30, 40, 45, 49

 Scale 14: Service availability

There are programs to refer families to

14, 31

 Scale 15: Connectedness

Workers assessment of parent awareness of child connectedness

15, 32, 41

 Scale 16: Referrals

Referring family members to other programs

16, 33,

 Scale 17: Interprofession practice

Team work and interprofessional practice

17, 34, 42, 46,

 Scale 18: Parenting and mental illness

Worker skill and knowledge about the impact of mental illness and parenting

50, 51, 52, 53