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Table 4 Attitudes towards and experiences of lifestyle changes of the survey participants (N = 496)

From: General somatic health and lifestyle habits in individuals with obsessive- compulsive disorder: an international survey


n (%)

Considered changing lifestyle habits

444 (89.5)

 If yes: Lifestyle habit that wants to be changed*


  Increase physical activity

383 (77.2)

  Eat healthier

310 (62.5)

  Sleep better

251 (50.6)

  Drink less alcohol or quit drinking alcohol

47 (9.5)

  Quit smoking

29 (5.6)

  Quit drug consumption

16 (3.2)


35 (7.1)

 If no: Main reason for not considering lifestyle change


  Hindered to make lifestyle changes because of OCD

21 (42.9)

  Satisfied with current lifestyle

10 (20.4)

  Hindered to make lifestyle changes because of other mental health problems

8 (16.3)

  No time to incorporate changes to my lifestyle

7 (14.3)

  Too expensive to make lifestyle changes

3 (6.1)

Previously tried to change lifestyle habits

447 (90.1)

 If yes: Succeeded with lifestyle change

246 (55.0)

  1. Abbreviation: OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder
  2. *Participants could select more than one option and therefore the total number does not add up to 100%