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Table 2 Participant demographics

From: Experiences of a digital health intervention for young people exposed to technology assisted sexual abuse: a qualitative study


Participants N (%)




11 (73.3)


01 (6.7)

 Non-binary/not stated

03 (20.0)

Age, years– mean (range)

15.3 (12 to 18)



 White British

15 (100)

Highest completed level of education*

 Primary school

09 (60%)

 Secondary school (up to GCSEs)

06 (40%)

Time receiving support from services in months– mean (range)

10.3 (1 to 50)

Index of multiple deprivation decile** - mean (range)

05.4 (1 to 10)

Previously used a mental health app


05 (33.3)


10 (66.7)

  1. *All but 2 were still in education but had not completed their final state exams; **1 most deprived– 10 least deprived