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Box 1 Mental disorders that were the focus of study

From: Experts’ perspectives on the impact of visual impairment and comorbid mental disorders on functioning in essential life domains


Mental disorder

Short definition

Developmental disorders

1) Autism spectrum disorder

Persons persistently experience challenges in social interaction, communication, and restricted/repetitive behaviours

Personality disorders

2) Antisocial personality disorder

Persons consistently show no regard for right and wrong and ignore the rights and feelings of others

3) Borderline personality disorder

Persons show a long-term pattern of unstable relationships, strong emotional reactions and a distorted sense of self

4) Dependent personality disorder

Persons show pervasive psychological dependence on others, characterized by fear and anxiety

Anxiety disorders

5) Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Persons experience uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and/or feel the need to repeatedly perform certain behaviours (compulsions)

Psychotic disorders

6) Schizophrenia

Abnormal thinking and perceptions, in which people experience delusions and hallucinations