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Table 1 Demographic characteristics of the study sample (n = 1057)

From: Associations between anxiety, depression, and personal mastery in community-dwelling older adults: a network-based analysis



Age, mean (SD)

71.79 (7.14)

Female gender, n (%)

250 (49.9%)

Rural residence, n (%)

237 (47.3%)

Somatic chronic comorbidities, n (%)

241 (48.1%)

GAD-7 total, mean (SD)

2.10 (3.07)

PHQ-9 total, mean (SD)

3.18 (4.02)

PMS total, mean (SD)

26.80 (6.08)

  1. PHQ-9 Nine-item Patient Health Questionnaire, GAD-7 Seven-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale, PMS Personal Mastery Scale