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  1. Hospital-treated deliberate self-harm (DSH) is common, costly and has high repetition rates. Since brief contact interventions (BCIs) may reduce the risk of DSH repetition, we aim to evaluate whether a SMS (Sh...

    Authors: Garry J. Stevens, Trent E. Hammond, Suzanne Brownhill, Manish Anand, Anabel de la Riva, Jean Hawkins, Tristan Chapman, Richard Baldacchino, Jo-Anne Micallef, Jagadeesh Andepalli, Anita Kotak, Naren Gunja, Andrew Page, Grahame Gould, Christopher J. Ryan, Ian M. Whyte…
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:117
  2. Volunteers frequently participate in befriending schemes with people with mental illness. This study aimed to explore the motivations and experiences of volunteer befrienders engaging in these schemes in addit...

    Authors: Megan Cassidy, Rose Thompson, Rawda El-Nagib, Lauren M. Hickling and Stefan Priebe
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:116
  3. Involving mental health service users in planning and reviewing their care can help personalised care focused on recovery, with the aim of developing goals specific to the individual and designed to maximise a...

    Authors: Michael Coffey, Ben Hannigan, Sally Barlow, Martin Cartwright, Rachel Cohen, Alison Faulkner, Aled Jones and Alan Simpson
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:115
  4. With previously established efficacy of aripiprazole once-monthly injectable formulation (AOM) in pre-registration randomized controlled trials, the current study was designed to evaluate its effectiveness in ...

    Authors: Sally Mustafa, Joanna Bougie, Maia Miguelez, Guerline Clerzius, Emmanouil Rampakakis, Jean Proulx and Ashok Malla
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:114
  5. Schizophrenia (SCZ) is a heritable, refractory, and devastating psychiatric disorder. Previous studies have shown that the variants of CUB and sushi multiple domains 1 (CSMD1) demonstrate significant genome-wide ...

    Authors: Yansong Liu, Xiaoqian Fu, Zhen Tang, Cui Li, Yong Xu, Fuquan Zhang, Deyi Zhou and Chunming Zhu
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:113
  6. Parenthood is a life transition that can be especially demanding for vulnerable individuals. Young maternal age and maternal single status have been reported to increase the risk for adverse outcomes for both ...

    Authors: Sara Agnafors, Marie Bladh, Carl Göran Svedin and Gunilla Sydsjö
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:112
  7. Some patients develop severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI) which is therapy-refractory. The needs of these patients sometimes remain unmet by therapeutic interventions and they are at high risk of recei...

    Authors: Manuel Trachsel, Martina A. Hodel, Scott A. Irwin, Paul Hoff, Nikola Biller-Andorno and Florian Riese
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:111
  8. Oculomotor dysfunction is one of the most replicated findings in schizophrenia. However the association between saccadic abnormalities and particular clinical syndromes remains unclear. The assessment of sacca...

    Authors: Ilya Obyedkov, Maryna Skuhareuskaya, Oleg Skugarevsky, Victor Obyedkov, Pavel Buslauski, Tatsiana Skuhareuskaya and Napoleon Waszkiewicz
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:110
  9. After publication of the original article [1], it was brought to our attention that some of the numbers in Table 3were incorrect.

    Authors: Tomas Fagerberg, Erik Söderman, J. Petter Gustavsson, Ingrid Agartz and Erik G. Jönsson
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:109

    The original article was published in BMC Psychiatry 2018 18:54

  10. Based on genome-wide association studies, a single-nucleotide polymorphism in the NRGN gene (rs12807809) is considered associated with schizophrenia (SZ). Moreover, hippocampal dysfunction is associated with r...

    Authors: Yifan Zhang, Xiaohong Gong, Zhiyang Yin, Lingling Cui, Jian Yang, Pengshuo Wang, Yifang Zhou, Xiaowei Jiang, Shengnan Wei, Fei Wang and Yanqing Tang
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:108
  11. The rise in multimorbid chronic conditions in South Africa, large treatment gap for common mental disorders (CMDs) and shortage of mental health specialists demands a task sharing approach to chronic disease m...

    Authors: Inge Petersen, Arvin Bhana, Lara R. Fairall, One Selohilwe, Tasneem Kathree, Emily C. Baron, Sujit D. Rathod and Crick Lund
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:107
  12. Increasing attention to palliative care for the general population has led to the development of various evidence-based or consensus-based tools and interventions. However, specific tools and interventions are...

    Authors: Karin den Boer, Anke J. E. de Veer, Linda J. Schoonmade, Kim J. Verhaegh, Berno van Meijel and Anneke L. Francke
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:106
  13. Disruptive Behavioral Disorders (DBDs) and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are chronic, impairing, and costly child and adolescent mental health challenges which, when untreated, can result in ...

    Authors: Apollo Kivumbi, William Byansi, Christopher Damulira, Phionah Namatovu, James Mugisha, Ozge Sensoy Bahar, Mary M. McKay, Kimberly Hoagwood and Fred M. Ssewamala
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:105
  14. Controversial findings regarding the association between pro-inflammatory cytokines and depression have been reported in pregnant subjects. Scarce data about anxiety and its relationships with cytokines are av...

    Authors: P. Leff Gelman, I. Mancilla-Herrera, M. Flores-Ramos, M. F. Saravia Takashima, F. M. Cruz Coronel, C. Cruz Fuentes, A. Pérez Molina, J. Hernández-Ruiz, F. S. Silva-Aguilera, B. Farfan-Labonne, D. Chinchilla-Ochoa, S. Garza Morales and I. Camacho-Arroyo
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:104
  15. The Four-Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire (4DSQ) is a self-report questionnaire designed to measure distress, depression, anxiety, and somatization. Prior to computing scale scores from the item scores, the t...

    Authors: Jan van Bebber, Johanna T. W. Wigman, Rob R Meijer, Berend Terluin, Sjoerd Sytema and Lex Wunderink
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:103
  16. This study examined whether two types of provider communication considered important to quality of care (i.e., shows respect and explains understandably) are associated with mental health outcomes related to p...

    Authors: Eunice C. Wong, Rebecca L. Collins, Joshua Breslau, M. Audrey Burnam, Matthew S. Cefalu and Elizabeth Roth
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:102
  17. This study investigated cause of death, mortality rates and explored if baseline characteristics were associated with risk of death in patients with alcohol use disorder alone or poly-substance use disorders.

    Authors: Arne Jan Hjemsæter, Jørgen G. Bramness, Robert Drake, Ivar Skeie, Bent Monsbakken, Jūratė Šaltytė Benth and Anne S. Landheim
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:101
  18. There is well-established evidence that Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training improves knowledge about how to support someone developing a mental health problem, but less evidence that this support improves ...

    Authors: Amy J. Morgan, Julie-Anne A. Fischer, Laura M. Hart, Claire M. Kelly, Betty A. Kitchener, Nicola J. Reavley, Marie B. H. Yap, Stefan Cvetkovski and Anthony F. Jorm
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:99
  19. International studies show a consistent finding of women in prisons as having a high prevalence of mental disorder. Most will be treated within the prison however the most severely ill require transfer to a ho...

    Authors: Roland M. Jones, Kiran Patel and Alexander I. F. Simpson
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:98
  20. .

    Authors: Matthew R. G. Brown, Vincent Agyapong, Andrew J. Greenshaw, Ivor Cribben, Pamela Brett-MacLean, Julie Drolet, Caroline McDonald-Harker, Joy Omeje, Monica Mankowsi, Shannon Noble, Deborah Kitching and Peter H. Silverstone
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:97

    The original article was published in BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:18

  21. Previous studies have provided evidence that alcohol-dependent patients have abnormality in corpus callosum (CC); however, it is unclear whether micro-structural integrity of the CC subregions is differentiall...

    Authors: Yajun Wang, Xiaohu Li, Cun Zhang, Haibao Wang, Zipeng Li, Jiajia Zhu and Yongqiang Yu
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:96
  22. There is emerging evidence for the effectiveness of psychodynamic psychotherapy for depressive disorders. However, we know less of how this relation-focused therapy mode is experienced and what the patients th...

    Authors: André Løvgren, Jan Ivar Røssberg, Liv Nilsen, Eivind Engebretsen and Randi Ulberg
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:95
  23. Unwanted, intrusive thoughts of harm-related to the infant are reported by the vast majority of new mothers, with half of all new mothers reporting unwanted, intrusive thoughts of harming their infant on purpo...

    Authors: Fanie Collardeau, Bryony Corbyn, John Abramowitz, Patricia A. Janssen, Sheila Woody and Nichole Fairbrother
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:94
  24. Humor trainings have positive effects on mental health and well-being. However, studies investigating the effects of humor trainings in clinical samples are still rare. This study investigated the efficacy and...

    Authors: Nektaria Tagalidou, Eva Distlberger, Viola Loderer and Anton-Rupert Laireiter
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:93
  25. Research into termination of long-term psychosocial treatment of mental disorders is scarce. Yearly 25% of people in Dutch mental health services receive long-term treatment. They account for many people, cont...

    Authors: B. Koekkoek, B. van Meijel, A. Perquin and G. Hutschemaekers
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:92
  26. Hazardous alcohol use has often been found to be more prevalent amongst psychiatric outpatients than the general population. Additionally, it has also been associated with poorer outcomes. The study aimed to i...

    Authors: Laxman Cetty, Shazana Shahwan, Pratika Satghare, Fiona Devi, Boon Yiang Chua, Swapna Verma, Helen Lee, Siow Ann Chong and Mythily Subramaniam
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:91
  27. The treatment of major depressive disorder, a highly prevalent disorder associated with pronounced burden, is a large challenge to healthcare systems worldwide. Internet based self-management interventions see...

    Authors: Caroline Oehler, Frauke Görges, Daniel Böttger, Juliane Hug, Nicole Koburger, Elisabeth Kohls and Christine Rummel-Kluge
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:90
  28. Ambulance personnel, as well as other emergency services like fire-fighters or the police force, are regularly confronted with experiences of extreme psychological distress and potentially traumatizing events ...

    Authors: Klemens Ragger, Michaela Hiebler-Ragger, Günter Herzog, Hans-Peter Kapfhammer and Human Friedrich Unterrainer
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:89
  29. Impaired maternal bonding has been associated with antenatal and postnatal factors, especially postpartum depression. Only a few population-based, longitudinal studies have examined the association between mat...

    Authors: Mami Nakano, Subina Upadhyaya, Roshan Chudal, Norbert Skokauskas, Terhi Luntamo, Andre Sourander and Hitoshi Kaneko
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:87
  30. Internet-based treatments appear to be a promising way to enhance the in vivo exposure approach, specifically in terms of acceptability and access to treatment. However, the literature on specific phobias is s...

    Authors: Daniel Campos, Juana Bretón-López, Cristina Botella, Adriana Mira, Diana Castilla, Sonia Mor, Rosa Baños and Soledad Quero
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:86
  31. Depression and anxiety are prevalent and associated with a worse prognosis in coronary heart disease (CHD) patients. However, the influence of disease severity on mood symptoms is unknown. The specific associa...

    Authors: Han Yin, Yuting Liu, Huan Ma, Guihao Liu, Lan Guo and Qingshan Geng
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:85
  32. Several rating scales assessing stress-related symptoms of exhaustion have emerged in recent years. However, more knowledge is needed about the performance of these rating scales in patients with stress-relate...

    Authors: Jesper Kristiansen, Maria Kristine Friborg, Nanna Eller, Lars Peter Andreas Brandt, David John Glasscock, Jesper Pihl-Thingvad, Roger Persson, Aniella Besèr, Marie Åsberg and Sannie Vester Thorsen
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:84
  33. Experiencing conflict and displacement can have a negative impact on an individual’s mental health. Currently, prevalence of mental health disorders (MHDs) at the primary care level in post-conflict areas with...

    Authors: Shannon Doherty, E. Hulland, B. Lopes-Cardozo, S. Kirupakaran, R. Surenthirakumaran, S. Cookson and C. Siriwardhana
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:83
  34. Depression among tuberculosis patients, especially in settings with low economic status is common. Screening for depression in all levels of health facilities can identify patients who need support and treatme...

    Authors: Tamirat Tesfaye Dasa, Aklilu Abrham Roba, Fitsum Weldegebreal, Frehiwot Mesfin, Abiyot Asfaw, Habtamu Mitiku, Zelalem Teklemariam, Bahubali Jinnappa Geddugol, Mahantash Naganuri, Hilina Befikadu and Eden Tesfaye
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:82
  35. Depression is a global problem, affecting populations worldwide, but is too often under-diagnosed. The identification of depression among patients with diabetes is important because depression is prevalent in ...

    Authors: Michael Udedi, Adamson S. Muula, Robert C. Stewart and Brian W. Pence
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:81
  36. On November 13, 2015, terrorist attacks took place in Paris. One hundred and twenty-nine people were immediately killed and 302 needed emergency care. Many resident physicians were on the front line of the med...

    Authors: Jules Gregory, Jean de Lepinau, Ariane de Buyer, Nicolas Delanoy, Olivier Mir and Raphaël Gaillard
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:79
  37. Polypharmacy increases the risk of pharmacological interactions, prevalence of secondary effects and with this the lack of adherence to treatment. It is estimated that between 10 and 40% of patients hospitaliz...

    Authors: J. Carmona-Huerta, S. Castiello-de Obeso, J. Ramírez-Palomino, R. Duran-Gutiérrez, D. Cardona-Muller, F. Grover-Paez, P. Fernández-Dorantes and R. Medina-Dávalos
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:78
  38. This study determined the effects of a novel combination of vitamin D and probiotic on metabolic and clinical symptoms in chronic schizophrenia.

    Authors: Amir Ghaderi, Hamid Reza Banafshe, Naghmeh Mirhosseini, Mohamad Moradi, Mohammad-Amin Karimi, Fateme Mehrzad, Fereshteh Bahmani and Zatollah Asemi
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:77
  39. Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) should follow an adequate methodology using an evidence-based approach in order to provide reliable recommendations. However, little is known regarding the quality of CPGs f...

    Authors: Jessica Hanae Zafra-Tanaka, Sergio Goicochea-Lugo, David Villarreal-Zegarra and Alvaro Taype-Rondan
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:76
  40. Family caregivers play crucial roles in taking care of people experiencing schizophrenia in the community. The burdens on and needs of caregivers of these patients should be emphasized. This study aimed to exp...

    Authors: Lifen Chen, Yali Zhao, Juan Tang, Guanghui Jin, Yanli Liu, Xuexue Zhao, Chao Chen and Xiaoqin Lu
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:75
  41. The medical-ethical dilemmas related to euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide (EAS) in psychiatric patients are highly relevant in an international context. EAS in psychiatric patients appears to become mo...

    Authors: Kirsten Evenblij, H. Roeline W. Pasman, Rosalie Pronk and Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:74
  42. Rebound cholinergic syndrome is a rare, but well known unwanted phenomenon occurring after abrupt clozapine discontinuation. There have been previous reported cases of cholinergic rebound in the literature; ho...

    Authors: Andrea Galova, Patricia Berney, Jules Desmeules, Ioannis Sergentanis and Marie Besson
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:73
  43. There is a growing body of literature highlighting the role that wearable and mobile remote measurement technology (RMT) can play in measuring symptoms of major depressive disorder (MDD). Outcomes assessment t...

    Authors: F. Matcham, C. Barattieri di San Pietro, V. Bulgari, G. de Girolamo, R. Dobson, H. Eriksson, A. A. Folarin, J. M. Haro, M. Kerz, F. Lamers, Q. Li, N. V. Manyakov, D. C. Mohr, I. Myin-Germeys, V. Narayan, Penninx BWJH…
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:72
  44. Mental distress is becoming a common health problem in Ethiopia. The prevalence of mental distress is higher among university students than the general population. However, there is inadequate information in t...

    Authors: Tadis Brhane Tesfahunegn and Etsay Hailu Gebremariam
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:71
  45. Executive functioning impairment is common in substance use disorder and is a major risk factor for poor treatment outcomes, including treatment drop-out and relapse. Cognitive remediation interventions seek t...

    Authors: Jamie Berry, Isabella Jacomb, Jo Lunn, Antoinette Sedwell, Anthony Shakeshaft, Peter J Kelly, Pooria Sarrami, Megan James, Skye Russell, Talia Nardo, Daniel Barker and Jennifer Holmes
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:70
  46. Phobic anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent psychiatric disorders and are burdensome in terms of loss of quality of life and work productivity. Evidence-based treatments are relatively successful in ...

    Authors: Febe E. van der Flier, Caroline M. B. Kwee, Danielle C. Cath, Neeltje M. Batelaan, Lucianne Groenink, Puck Duits, Date C. van der Veen, Anton J. L. M. van Balkom and Johanna M. P. Baas
    Citation: BMC Psychiatry 2019 19:69

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