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Table 1 Demographic characteristics and unadjusted descriptives of CAPE-Pos by sample, and tests for between-group differences

From: Cultural differences in positive psychotic experiences assessed with the Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences-42 (CAPE-42): a comparison of student populations in the Netherlands, Nigeria and Norway



(n = 245)


(n = 478)


(n = 162)

F / χ2a



Age, M (SD)

25.7 (3.0)

range 18–30

22.0 (2.9)

range 18–30

23.3 (2.8)

range 18–30

F(2,882) = 135.36

(R2 = 0.235)

<  0.001

Gender, n (%)


χ2(2, n = 883) = 74.55b

<  0.001


50 (20.4%)

227 (47.5%)

30 (18.5%)



193 (78.8%)

251 (52.5%)

132 (81.5%)



2 (0.8%)




Marital status, n (%)


χ2(2, n = 883) = 54.56b

<  0.001

 Not Married

195 (79.6%)

461 (96.4%)

151 (93.2%)



48 (19.6%)

17 (3.6%)

11 (6.8%)



2 (0.8%)




Educationc, n (%)


χ2(2, n = 878) = 219.60

<  0.001


26 (10.6%)

318 (67.5%)

101 (62.3%)



219 (89.4%)

153 (32.5%)

61 (37.7%)


Ethnic group, n (%)d








327 (68.4%)





80 (16.7%)





8 (1.7%)



 Other / missing


63 (13.2%)



CAPE-Pos total

 Frequency, M (SD)

1.37 (0.21)

1.98 (0.40)

1.31 (0.19)

F(2,882) = 431.29

<  0.001

 (min – max)




(R2 = 0.494)


 Distresse, M (SD)

1.53 (0.42)

1.78 (0.53)

1.36 (0.42)

F(2,874) = 50.35

<  0.001

 (min – max)




(R2 = 0.103)


 Distressf, M (SD)

1.14 (0.14)

1.54 (0.47)

1.12 (0.14)

F(2,881) = 141.42

<  0.001

 (min – max)




(R2 = 0.243)

  1. aChi-square and ANOVA tests were performed to test whether the distribution of demographic and CAPE-Pos scores was comparable across the three study samples, bBased on 2 × 3 table (not including missing category), cHighest educational level completed, dOnly assessed in Nigerian sample, eDistress scores when frequency of experience was rated as at least ‘sometimes’, fDistress including scores when frequency of experience was rated as ‘never’ (following [25, 61, 62])